Wednesday 3 December 2008

Meeting with Albert Esplugas

Last Sunday I had the pleasure to meet Albert Esplugas, proud blogger of RedLiberal. We had an interesting conversation over a drink at an elegant pub in Bayswater, London.

Albert is a tall, slender, young professional guy with a geeky hint in his talk who tries to write an average of two posts a day in his blog. Having born in Barcelona and sharing nowadays a life in London with his girlfriend, Albert loves chatting about philosophy and tasting new cocktails: he is afraid of neither being wrong or facing a new discovery. We talked about the metaphysics of the blog-sphere and about libertarian initiatives. I must admit that those two hours flew by and I am grateful that he accepted meeting a complete stranger which happened to be one of his readers.

Albert is currently having a great discussion with Citoyen about the general idea of redistribution of resources. In this post, they argue about the re-distribution of human organs. As I comment in his post:

Absorbing, bright debate. Well-mannered, intelligent discussions like this one refresh the hopes set on the potential of the blog-sphere. As I told you verbally, chapeau and congrats for your blog. The same to Citoyen. Keep up the good word.

Love and freedom.

1 comment:

Albert Esplugas said...

Hi Borja, I had a great time too.

Keep in touch,