Saturday 1 November 2008

Comment to A. Esplugas' post

Para que luego digan que el "consumismo" es cosa del capitalismo. Capitalismo viene de capital, y el capital solo se obtiene ahorrando. Quienes promueven el vicio del consumismo, a costa del necesario ahorro que necesita acumular la economía para financiar su reestructuración y saneamiento, son keynesianos como Krugman. Que cada palo aguante su vela.
A. Esplugas, Krugman a favor del consumismo (31/10/2008)

My comment to Albert Esplugas' Krugman a favor del consumismo:

Simply put, Keynes' economic theory is welcomed by governments and policymakers of all countries because it gives them the chance to become even mightier, to control higher amounts of money and to appear as solvers of the problems they themselves help to create.

While agreeing to your post in principle, I'd propose a slight amendment: capital is a means of measuring the wealth and wealth is generated mainly by _working_, hardly maintained by _saving_ and multiplied by _investing_ it.

Love and freedom.

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