Friday 5 October 2007

Lo realmente maléfico de la democracia es la tiranía de la mayoría que gana las elecciones a través del engaño.

Lord Acton

Just before the last Spanish local elections, Xavier Sala-i-Martín reached an extraodinary conclusion "No votare Socialista" taking into account that:

If the Socialist Party were a business, its market share would be so large as to require regulators to divide or transfer a part of its enormous power.[...]When the different branches of power, which theoretically should balance and check each other, end up in the same hands our liberties are threatened by those who at times act with impunity.

Stalin supported the side of the Republican fighters in the Spanish War only because he wanted to forge the first Communist country outside the Sovietic Union. Had the National side not won the war, Spain would have been the first Sovietic satellite, even before than Poland. Almost 70 years later, after the collapse of the Sovietic Union, Spain looks more like Russia than ever.

Love and freedom.

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