Sunday 19 October 2008

The capitalist way to socialism

Si el siglo XX fue el de las grandes masacres en nombre de los distintos socialismos, el XXI empieza como el siglo del socialismo por consenso global con el equívoco nombre de capitalismo. De Estado, naturalmente. De Gobierno, se entiende. Liberticida, claro está.
If the 20th century was the one of the large massacres in the name of the various socialisms, the 21st century begins as the century of the socialism by global consensus and wrongly called capitalism.

Federico Jiménez Losantos, La vía capitalista al socialismo (El blog de Federico, 18/10/2008)

I fully agree with this post by Federico Jiménez Losantos. I was drafting a post in the same direction, but I keep delaying it because I have urgent work and study to do. I'd like as well to translate FJL's post into English if I have time, though I doubt it.

Love and freedom.

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