Friday 22 February 2008

The fierce wolf shows its paw

Eppur, como decía, mi sufragio no es libre, porque sólo me queda una opción: la del voto útil en contra de Zapatero. En contra, digo, por el bien de todos, aunque sea a favor de nadie.

Así se aplaude en España, ¿verdad, maestro Unamuno?

Fernando Sanchez Drago, El blog de Fernando Sanchez Drago (19/02/2008)

The reader, writer and TV presenter F. Sanchez Drago doesn't wait until the "day of reflection" prior to the Spanish 9th-March elections to decide what he is going to do with his vote. He doesn't explicitely mention any party, but leaves crystal clear what he wants: "sack one who he knows". Maybe he wants other people to follow his example and help him achieve his wish. Or maybe "se le ve el plumero" as Jose-Luis Prieto (a member of PSOE) comments.

In any case, his rapping style enlightens some outlawed appealing ideas. That and the fact that he is right in more than a couple of points, make this post my recommended reading for the day.

Love and freedom.

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