Sunday, 20 April 2008

Comments to a PP councillor

This is the reply to Prolegómenos de un Congreso, the last post written by Lidia Menacho, a PP councillor of Jerez de la Frontera, Spain, in her blog Habla Jerez.

Este post quería publicarlo en la próxima semana cuando se habran elegido los compromisarios en las Asambleas Locales al Congreso Nacional del PP en Valencia. Pero he recibido por algún que otro asiduo al blog, son pocos pero buenos, la demanda de conocer mi opinión al respecto.

That was me asking her here.

Y, una buena bloguera se debe a sus lectores y una buena concejal (político) se debe a sus representados por lo que, de forma muy escueta dejo algunas reflexiones:

Thanks for your comments: they are very interesting. Let's have a look at them.

1. He leído en blogs que desde el PP andaluz están intentando controlar que los compromisarios "sean los que tienen que ser". Imagino que se refieren a eso de que el "PP andaluz va apoyar a Rajoy", pues yo como posible compromisaria (mañana lo sabre) nadie me ha preguntado si voy o no a apoyar a Rajoy.

R1. A.Antonio Sanz prepares the list of candidates of PP in Andalucia. B.Antonio Sanz speaks up and requests explanations from Esperanza Aguirre. C. It is pretty easy to think that the establishment in the PP-A will push their people a bit. D. I'm happy to know that you haven't been approached. It isn't conclusive, but it's a good sign.

2. Se confirma en círculos muy cerrados de la política la existencia de una segunda lista al Congreso, aunque aún queda por saberse si la encabezará o no Aguirre. Son muchos los afiliados y simpatizantes del PP que están abogando por esa segunda lista más como plasmación del carácter democrático que por apoyo a una corriente concreta. Siempre antes de los congresos existen varias corrientes en pugna pero, desde la refundación del PP con Jose Mª Aznar, la tónica ha sido integradora "lista de consenso".

R2. A.Rajoy has been leader of the only possible list for 2 Spanish elections. B. After 2 weeks without showing his face after the elections he lost, he stands up again for a third opportunity. C. Gosh, that makes it difficult to disagree, but the lack of debate doesn't help PP.

3. Si bien está claro quién es la corriente ideológica o "familia" que apoya a Aguirre no está muy clara la ideología de la nueva corriente Rajoy, excepto su lealtad a él.

R3. A. There is a huge difference between ideological currents and families. B. Ideological currents are people who are linked because they share similar ideas and thus they are called in line with the main idea (say, libertarians, communists, conservatives). C. Families are precisely those ones linked only by the names and the loyalty to their leaders and that is why they are called "Leader's name+ista" (say, Guerrista, Felipista, Corleonista and, from now on, Rajoista). D. I like ideological currents, I dislike families.

4. Los barones: Camps o Arenas. Ya se han adelantado a garantizar su apoyo a Rajoy; algo lógico, razonable y esperado. Pero es curioso que Andalucía cuente tanto ahora en época de Congreso Nacional y tan poco durante el resto de la legislatura. Esta reflexión va a pasar factura.

4. A. Barons are part of families. B. They give stability, but might turn into caciquism.

5. Es increible como la Sra. Aguirre ha sido capaz en apenas tres meses pasar de ser "la mala de la película" a ser "la película más esperada". ¿Se acuerdan cuando Rajoy descartó a Gallardón de las listas?. Los medios de comunicación se echaban le encima, ahora son los mismos medios quiénes le están haciendo la campaña a Aguirre.

R5. A. What media has changed opinion? Cope/LD dislike Gallardon and supported Aguirre now and then. B. ABC/Pais/Ser prefer Gallardon and charged against Aguirre now and then. C. It should raise suspicions that your rival (Prisoe) praises someone on your team and wants to make that person powerful in your team.

6. Aún quedan muchos varones o líderes del PP por salir a la palestra, esos que ya no están en la estructura pero son referentes para los votantes: Aznar, Mayor Oreja o Rato. Cascos se ha adelantado y ha dicho eso de "los noviciados se hacen en la bancada y no en puestos de responsabilidad".

R6. A. Experience is a plus. B. PP's people and current management should pay attention to what PP's finest (and only victorius so far) people have to say.

7. La valentía en política, para mí, es una de las virtudes más importantes. Presentar una segunda candidatura en el PP es de valientes.

R7. A. Bravery is not promoted in politics. B. Submission and ass-licking is rewarded most times.

8. El espectáculo de declaraciones cruzadas en la prensa nos avergüenza a todos los miembros de base del Partido Popular.

R8. A. PP's rivals are laughing a lot. B. Just like PP's people laughed at PSOE's problems between 1996 and 2004.

9. Saldrá vencedor aquel que responda mejor al debate ideológico y respete las formas "populares". Creemos que la "gente del PP" tiene que comportarse de una determinada manera, respetuosa y siempre mirando por los intereses del Partido.

R9. A. There is no ideological debate, only a fight of wills. B. One person-one vote democratic style has one downside: That one with stronger support will win, not necessarily that one with greater worthiness. C. PP's people should behave always looking for Spaniards' interests, not for the Party's interest (what difference would there be with other parties (PSOE included) then?).

10. Aún no he decidido mi apoyo.

R10. Thank God that's personal and secret until you decide to disclose it.

Love and freedom.

Why do I write a blog?

You write your blog and continue doing it for three simple reasons: you want to do it, you can do it and you are allowed to do it.

1. You are allowed to do it: there is no "you shall not write" commandment prohibiting it.
2. You can do it: means and technic are there.
3. You want to do it: you feel that writing the blog will give you some satisfaction.

And then, there are at least two causes for your motivation:
1. People out there may read your words so you fulfill one paramount need for mankind: communication.
2. You may re-read what you wrote and may like it so you get proud of your creation.

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Who is God?

Who is God?

The question on the existence of God is not useful in itself but it should be put in perspective. No matter how the world is, there is a varying degree of completion in all things and acts since things and acts are all differents; thus, if God equals to perfection and the perfection is the highest degree of realisation, then God's name must be given to that entity at the top of the scale. Whether it matches or not our personal idea of perfection, there must be something that surpasses everything else in entelechia: just that being is God. Our idea of perfection may go far beyond that deity, but we should not forget that only that God which has a reality (belongs to reality) and is besides the culmination of this world may fit the real world (double R).

On the other hand, when comparing an object and a subject, we deem the latter at a higher level than the former. Furthermore, personifying anything, dead or alive, is seen as a promotion for good or evil. That is why God must be a who and not a what. That is why we should ask (if we have any time) who is God instead of what is God?

¿Quién es Dios?

No sirve en ningún momento la cuestión acerca de la existencia de Dios, tan sólo sobre nuestra versión de Dios. Sea como fuere el mundo, ha de existir en él una gradación del acabado en las cosas o actos ya que todas las cosas y actos son distintos; de ahi que si Dios = perfección y la perfección es el grado superior de realización, entonces el nombre de Dios debe ser dado a aquella entidad que ocupe la cúspide de la escala. Corresponda o no con nuestra idea personal de perfección, por lógica ha de haber algo que supera en "entelechia" a todo lo demás: precisamente tal ser es Dios. Nuestra idea de perfección puede superar con creces a esta divinidad, pero recordemos que tan sólo cabe en el mundo real (R doble) aquel Dios que posea realidad y además sea culminación del mundo.

Por otra parte, al comparar un objeto y un sujeto normalmente elevamos éste por encima de aquél; más aún, personificar algo, vivo o inerte, es considerado una promoción para bien o para mal. Por esto Dios tiene que ser un quién, no un qué (aunque a priori no posea condición humana). Por ello hemos de preguntarnos (si tenemos tiempo) ¿quién es Dios? en lugar de ¿qué es Dios?

Love and freedom.

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Extreme game

People love playing, until someone gets hurt.
Voice-over, Desperate Housewives.

Sunday, 6 April 2008

Soneto de prueba

Soneto de prueba.

Unos versos me manda hacer Elena,
Que nunca vi tamaña obligación
Por probar de escritor mi vocación,
Aunque mi poesía, en verdad, dé pena.

Discerniré la ganga de la mena,
Daré norma a la rítmica acción
Y hallaré metódica inspiración
Para llevar la pasión a la vena.

Tomaré de maestros la destreza:
Del Fénix copié el metro repentino
Sin lograr todavía su fineza.

Mas hallaré en mi boca el verbo fino
Que extraerá del alma su pureza.
Sentenciad, hermosa, si fue con tino.

I wrote the poem above one sleepless night 4 years ago.

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Fatherhood and Ironmanship

Rafael Cruz warns me not to miss a heartbreaking video that teaches a precious lesson
It is a very emotional story. Indeed, I have been sobbing for the whole duration of the video. Please read the text below before watching the video. Please turn on the sound of your computer.

This is the story of an Australian father who took part in the Australian Ironman race every year. His greatest dream was to compete next to his son in such competition. Unfortunately, his son suffered from cerebral paralysis. The Australian never saw his son's position as a hurdle, for he trained really hard -together with his son- for some years until the time came. The 60-year-old Aussie signed up his son and himself for the Australian Ironman.

The Ironman competition is an extremely exhausting for great people with a winning, exemplary mind, and with strong convictions. Being able to finish an Ironman race is close to the human being's physical limits. The race comprises 3 uninterrupted stages and starts at dawn;

1. Swimming 4km in the sea or lake (with the cold mist)
2. Riding 180km on a bike
3. Running a marathon (42.5km).

All this makes the Ironman race an extremely tough, both physically and mentally. World champions make it in 8h 15m.

Our Australian made it within an amazing time of 17 hours. Usually by this time the race is called to a finish and roads are open again for normal traffic. However, having seen who was running the Ironman race this time, the organisers kept the roads closed until everyone had finished, even though it was after sunset. Those participants who complete the race are usually people stronger mentally than physically. Our Australian accomplished the task with his son.

It's an example of love, life, pride, and sport. The name of the video is 'CAN'.