Tuesday 1 April 2008

Fatherhood and Ironmanship

Rafael Cruz warns me not to miss a heartbreaking video that teaches a precious lesson
It is a very emotional story. Indeed, I have been sobbing for the whole duration of the video. Please read the text below before watching the video. Please turn on the sound of your computer.

This is the story of an Australian father who took part in the Australian Ironman race every year. His greatest dream was to compete next to his son in such competition. Unfortunately, his son suffered from cerebral paralysis. The Australian never saw his son's position as a hurdle, for he trained really hard -together with his son- for some years until the time came. The 60-year-old Aussie signed up his son and himself for the Australian Ironman.

The Ironman competition is an extremely exhausting for great people with a winning, exemplary mind, and with strong convictions. Being able to finish an Ironman race is close to the human being's physical limits. The race comprises 3 uninterrupted stages and starts at dawn;

1. Swimming 4km in the sea or lake (with the cold mist)
2. Riding 180km on a bike
3. Running a marathon (42.5km).

All this makes the Ironman race an extremely tough, both physically and mentally. World champions make it in 8h 15m.

Our Australian made it within an amazing time of 17 hours. Usually by this time the race is called to a finish and roads are open again for normal traffic. However, having seen who was running the Ironman race this time, the organisers kept the roads closed until everyone had finished, even though it was after sunset. Those participants who complete the race are usually people stronger mentally than physically. Our Australian accomplished the task with his son.

It's an example of love, life, pride, and sport. The name of the video is 'CAN'.

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