Monday 22 June 2009

Human leadership: men or women?

The History of living beings follows the rules of Nature, the first one of which is about the survival of the species (or rather specific "selfish" genes associated to the species).

In the human beings’ case, chances of survival of the species were seen to be higher through the development of families and tribes. Female members must have had the highest status in human being’s early groups as they were the key to the survival of the group given they give birth to the offspring. Wombs are women's key competitive advantage over men from Nature's point of view.

However, as human groups had to fight for food and territory in order to ensure their survival, physical contact-prone war boosted the status of men over women. This is because men's usually greater physical strength made them more useful face-to-face warriors. Besides, women’s death reduced the ability to raise new group members. Thus, war enabled men to demand leadership of human groups.

In recent years, the development of war arts with no physical contact has weakened the importance of physical strength in battles and has enabled women to fight next to the male members of their groups.

Thus, as the rationale for male leadership is weaker, women find it easier to assert their roles within the human groups. Since men have been stripped off their key competitive advantage over women (physical strength), but women retain theirs (wombs), it is possible that women recoup the leadership status of the human society.

Scientific and engineering progress, though, is already changing human groups’ structure and it may completely overhaul it if ways to override Nature’s choices are found, mastered and applied not only on an exception basis. These ways may include techniques for a variety of non-natural developments, such as full, stable sex changes, addition of wombs to male humans, artificial production of sperm/eggs, building of android robots, off-family styles of breeding the offspring, cloning, appearance of Homo Sapiens sub-species, creation of Homo Sapiens Sapiens beings, or the creation of an alternative species that is able to breed with human beings.

Who knows what the future will bring? All I know is that for the time being all human beings are born free and equal in dignity, rights, freedoms, and obligations, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status (The Universal Declaration of Human Rights).

Love and freedom.

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