Sunday 30 March 2008

Howls in the post-modern night

I have listened to Fonseca's podcast Howls in the post-modern night and I left this comment.

Fonseca, it's the first "Howls in the post-modern night" that I have listened to and I must recognise that I liked it. Still a bit of way to go to perform as a proper radio presenter, but your efforts are nothing to be sneered at. You'll improve with the practice. Congratulations and "bon courage"!

Don't worry, happy butcher, I think everyone understood that your mistake was a "lapsus linguae". But I think that your obsession with the liberalisation of drugs could be a bit too much. I think that the grandfather of the "liberalismo", Adam Smith, and its father and mother, Friedmans, although would include it as a requirement for a 100% pure libertarian society, do not consider it that central or with the highest priority.

Last thing, good song.

Love and freedom.

1 comment:

Fonseca said...

Thank you so very much! I hope you´ll enjoy our last howl.

