I was an artist when I was a child. Then I grew up.
Welcome. I wish you love and freedom. Bienvenido. Te deseo amor y libertad.
The moral dilemma is that Polisario is more on the right side than Morocco. But because the Security Council will never force Morocco into a referendum on independence, they actually choose for the status quo.
In the same interview, a lead UN negotiator [P.van Walsum] simultaneously acknowledges Western Sahara's right to independence and the illegality of Morocco's annexationist move. Only to conclude by suggesting that the Security Council -- in the name of realism! -- should force Western Sahara to accept, for a brief trial period, an illegal occupation. [...] It was a good 3 years, as long as you weren't a Sahrawi.
Qué suerte que hayas podido entrar en el Pabellón de Donna Blanca y subir a la Torre Octógona. La vista desde la Torre es preciosa. Te imagino emocionado, sonnando que compartías las aventuras de los soldados que defendían el alcázar de Jerez en la Edad Media.
Me hubiera gustado estar ahí contigo. Otro día será.
Un beso!
(You're so lucky you have been able to access the Ms. White Pavilion and to go up to the Octogon Tower. The view from the Tower is gorgeous. I can picture you thrilled, dreaming that you shared the adventures of the soldiers who defended the alcázar of Jerez in the Medium Age. I'd have liked to be there with you. Maybe another time. Kisses.
My stay with you in Jerez was so special, I didn't believe I could cram so many different things into a weekend! XY (my dad's name), your kindness in taking the time to show JJ and I your city and in having the patience to endure all those three way translations as you explained the fascinating history of your area was so generous. XX (my mum's name), your hospitality was second to none and I go away with ambitions to master your delicious Spanish tortilla.
I know Borja will have told you about the remainder of our week but all together I had a great time in Spain. I left Jerez with so many excellent memories of horses, sherry, food, ferias and an enriched knowledge of Spanish history.
Lidia, please find the courage to go on working day a day. That is exactly what the citizens expect from their representatives. That is exactly what you are paid for. You should be proud for what you do and I wish more citizens stood up and work hard like you. I thank you for your dedication.
Nevertheless, you have to recognise that media and image are extremely important in politics. It is a shame, actually, that their influence is greater that hard work and proper reasoning. But that shows that our democracy is not perfect, and tells us that we should work towards its enhancement.
PP's relation with media, image and marketing has never been good. You, the street-dwelling councillors, PP's base members, should fight to change that from the inside and to build its reputation bottom up.
Keep up the good work!
There is a lot of talking in redliberal about a potential Libertarian Party (Partido Liberalista?). Lots of bloggers are asking for someone to lead this initiative. Big names (Daniel, FJL, etc.) help a good cause to succeed, but lots of work needs to be previously done by anonymous citizens. This is what UPD and Ciutadans did before.
Therefore, could anyone draft a piece of paper (i.e., a blog post) detailing these clear ideas that we should all be supporting. Please mind the cite that heads liberalismo.org.
"Si pretendemos el triunfo en la gran contienda ideológica de esta época, es preciso, sobre todo, que nos percatemos exactamente de cual es nuestro credo." F.A. Hayek. ("If we intend to triumph in the great ideological battle of our times, it is necessary, above all, to exactly comprehend which is our believe." F.A. Hayek.)
I volunteer for anything I could help with.