Saturday 24 May 2008

Low morale in PP's base members

The morale within Popular Party's base must be at rock-bottom. I guess that lots of PP's base members must feel disappointed with the null attention media pays to their everyday work and how much attention it pays to the party's infight. Maybe lots of them also feel disenfranchised with Rajoy's new tune. But they should carry on. Spain needs them.

I post the following comment encouraging one of these local councillors, Lidia Menacho, in her blog.

Lidia, please find the courage to go on working day a day. That is exactly what the citizens expect from their representatives. That is exactly what you are paid for. You should be proud for what you do and I wish more citizens stood up and work hard like you. I thank you for your dedication.

Nevertheless, you have to recognise that media and image are extremely important in politics. It is a shame, actually, that their influence is greater that hard work and proper reasoning. But that shows that our democracy is not perfect, and tells us that we should work towards its enhancement.

PP's relation with media, image and marketing has never been good. You, the street-dwelling councillors, PP's base members, should fight to change that from the inside and to build its reputation bottom up.

Keep up the good work!

Love and freedom.

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