Thursday 22 May 2008

A Spanish Libertarian Party

I was wondering what I could write. I could have talked about a few different topics and I had prepared some drafts I could have used. However, given the state of total confusion in the Spanish political arena, I think that the most important issue at the moment is the creation of a truly libertarian party in Spain.

Lots of Spaniards are truly libertarian, although, as it happens with other generic ideologies, there is a broad spectrum of political philosophies under such umbrella.

Given the anti-democratic conditions of the Spanish political system, political parties and their satellite organisations are the main tools to exercise the Power. There are hundreds of political parties registered in Spain, most of them defending much less interesting ideas than the libertarianism. In any case, Spanish libertarians can vote no Spanish political party which defends only libertarian options. Thus Spanish libertarians find themselves with no executory method to build the society they wish for.

Regarding this I have just written a comment to the last article by Daniel Rodriguez Herrera:

There is a lot of talking in redliberal about a potential Libertarian Party (Partido Liberalista?). Lots of bloggers are asking for someone to lead this initiative. Big names (Daniel, FJL, etc.) help a good cause to succeed, but lots of work needs to be previously done by anonymous citizens. This is what UPD and Ciutadans did before.

Therefore, could anyone draft a piece of paper (i.e., a blog post) detailing these clear ideas that we should all be supporting. Please mind the cite that heads

"Si pretendemos el triunfo en la gran contienda ideológica de esta época, es preciso, sobre todo, que nos percatemos exactamente de cual es nuestro credo." F.A. Hayek. ("If we intend to triumph in the great ideological battle of our times, it is necessary, above all, to exactly comprehend which is our believe." F.A. Hayek.)

I volunteer for anything I could help with.

A Libertarian Party is needed in Spain, now!

Love and freedom.

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